Welcome to RCCG New Light Chapel, Allentown
We’re Glad You Are Here
It is with great excitement we welcome you to this great platform.
RCCG New Light Chapel is a Parish of The Redeemed Christian Church of God.
The mission of the Redeemed Christian Church of God is to take as many people as possible with us to heaven.
As a local assembly, our mission is to demonstrate the love of God in a way
that makes the gospel appealing to our community. We are a growing family church that believes in sound biblical doctrines and are given to prayer.
We have been privileged to serve a diverse community of believers and our worship services are conducted in an atmosphere of high praise and worship to God where we witness His power and presence.

Join Us Every Sunday
10:00 AM ET | 2703 W Emaus Ave, Allentown, PA, United States, Pennsylvania.

Youth and Young Adult Ministry
Preparing the youths to become the leaders of today & tomorrow

Women of Light
Women of substance
Our blog
Plan a visit
We’re happy to answer any questions you may have. Please fill the form below or join us this Sunday for a worship experience.